Guaranteed the most secure, affordable decentralized and traditional payment processing solutions in the world.

KJ ProWeb™ is an authorized Independent Sales Organization (ISO) and premier partner for 16 of the largest and most trusted Merchant Services Providers, acquiring banks, and fintechs in the world.

Each Merchant Services Provider is a registered FDIC-insured financial institution and owns a Banking Identification Number (BIN) which means they are licensed to issue payment cards.

They employ an in-house underwriting team, a new accounts activations department, and provide 24/7 customer support.

Freedom To Sell Anything (*including cannabis), Anywhere, Anytime

We've team up with forward thinking banks and fintechs to offer merchants the ability to accept, send and receive payments from anywhere in the world using multi-chain web3 technology and the Blockchain.

The era of getting hit with friendly fraud, credit card charge-backs, high transactions fees, and account shut downs are over.

Free POS Terminals & Card Readers

KJ Proweb provides our customers with a FREE PayAnyWhere© Smart Point-of-Sale Terminal.

Start accepting payments any way your customer wants to pay and anywhere. You'll have everything you need to manage electronic transactions.

Fraud & Charge-Back Prevention

From EMV and PCI compliance to encryption, SSL's, and more, access the technology that helps you keep your business’ and customers’ information safe.

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