Drive More Revenue with More
Useful Features

Onboard, engage, and nurture customers and leads. Set up no-stress automated campaigns that convert.
unlimited automations

Unlimited Automations

No cap, and no limit on the number of automations you can perform. Your imagination is the limit.
Engage with Automations

Conditional Branching

Create yes and no branches. Perform different actions when a condition gets met & when it doesn’t.
integrated analytics

Integrated Analytics

View open, clickthrough rate, revenue made & more on the visual automation builder.
deadline coupon

Deadline Coupon Codes

Set the personalized coupon codes to expire in a number of days or on a date to trigger urgency.
merge tag

Personalization Merge Tags

Personalize your emails by using dynamic merge tags. Get higher click-through rates.

Drag & Drop Email Builder

Build visually stunning emails by using content blocks for images, headings, descriptions, etc.
contact journey

Single Contact’s Journey

See timestamp for each node, whether a contact met a condition, their current status & more.
in depth analytics

In-depth Analytics

From active contacts in an automation to orders place, email open/click rate- view all critical stats.